Plumbing Project – Unit Access

In our continuous efforts to maintain smooth and efficient building operations, the hydro-jetting of all vertical kitchen lines has been scheduled. This project will begin on July 18th and will last through the end of the month. With access to units, the schedule is as follows:

  • July 18th – Units 301, 401, 501, 601, 701, 801, 901, and 1001
  • July 19th – Units 302, 402, 502, 602, 702, 802, 902, and 1002
  • July 20th – Units 303, 304, 403, 404, 503, 504, 603, 604, 703, 704, 803, 804, 903, 904, 1003, and 1004
  • July 21st – Units 305, 405, 505, 605, 705, 805, 905, and 1005
  • July 22nd – Units 306, 406, 506, 606, 706, 806, 906, and 1006
  • July 25th – Units 307, 308, 407, 408, 507, 508, 607, 608, 707, 708, 807, 808, 907, and 1007
  • July 26th – Units 309, 409, 509, 609, 709, 809, 908, and 1008
  • July 27th – Units 410, 510, 610, 710, 810, and 910
  • July 28th – Units 411, 412, 511, 512, 611, 612, 711, 712, 811, 812, 911, 912, 1009, and 1010
  • July 29th – Units 413, 513, 613, 713, 813, and 814

The technicians will arrive to the building at approximately 9:00 a.m. each day. They will be starting in the higher numbered units and working their way down the stacks. Access to every unit is required and will only be needed for a few minutes.

If you’re unable to be present the day that your unit(s) are scheduled, please arrange access with building management.