Dear Broadway Hollywood Family,
Good day everyone. I hope all is well. For those of you that have utilized the fitness center over the past week, thank you for following the temporary reservation protocol. Beginning on Sunday, March 29th, we will be implementing two minor changes to the reservation process. The first change is regarding scheduling. There will be sixteen, 45 minute predetermined time slots available daily with 30 minute gaps between each reservation to allow for cleaning. The second change is to how long in advance that you may make a reservation. You’re now only able to make a reservation one day in advance. With these changes, the fitness center becomes available to more of you.
With the growing number of COVID-19 cases worldwide and over 80,000 reported in the United States, I would like to go over the protocols we have in place should an individual in the building be quarantined or contract it.
If You’re In Quarantine:
• Should you need to leave your unit, please provide management with a thirty minute notice. We will isolate an elevator for your use. The elevator will be disinfected and sanitized.
• We will assist you with the disposal of garbage.
• All of your deliveries will be announced via a phone call and left outside of your door.
• No member of the staff will be permitted to enter your unit.
If You Have A Lab Confirmed COVID-19 Diagnosis:
• You’re to inform management immediately.
• Management will notify the local health department as well as the Vice President and CEO of Action Property Management. Your identity will remain confidential. Only management will know.
Should there be a confirmed case in the building, a mass email will be sent to all residents and owners, but the individual’s identity will remain confidential. Please don’t hesitate to contact me at or stop by my office on the third floor if you have any questions or concerns. In addition to this, if I’m not in my office, my cell number is (717) 480-3192. Take care, and please let me know if there’s anything that I can assist with.
Shawn Bieber
General Manager – The Broadway Hollywood