November 28, 2018
Dear Friends and Neighbors,
The Broadway Hollywood Board of Directors invites you to contribute to the 2018 Staff Gift Fund to show our appreciation to the staff for their commitment to Broadway Hollywood and its residents. Some of our staff are visible: they greet us when we come and go, attend to our guests and assist us with our packages. There are others whose presence is not so obvious but their efforts keep our building clean, safe and running smoothly throughout the year. They are usually not recognized until the end of the year when we give them a token of our appreciation. The percentage of the fund each staff member receives is based on the number of months at Broadway Hollywood and the number of weeks worked in 2018. Our suggested contribution from the residents is $300 – $600 per unit. We only make a suggestion as to the amount of the contribution and any contribution made will be greatly appreciated. We request your contribution by December 16, 2018 so that we can make the distribution to our wonderful staff by December 30, 2018.
The gift fund is independent of the Association’s financial structure; therefore, it is a direct gift to each staff member. This gift is divided among the 19 staff members on the attached list including the Front Desk Lead & Hosts, Valet, Janitorial, Manager Assistant and Engineer.
Please make your check payable to Broadway Hollywood Homeowners Association, write “Gift Fund” in the memo line and mail to:
Broadway Hollywood Homeowners Association
Attn: Gift Fund
1645 Vine Street
Los Angeles, CA 90028
You may place your check in an envelope marked “Broadway Hollywood Gift Fund” and slide the envelope under the Management Office door on the 3rd floor. They can also be turned in at the front desk with Alfredo. He will be sending receipt confirmations via email.
Your Board of Directors thanks you for your considerate and generous contribution to the Staff Gift Fund.