Manager’s Message

Hi Everyone!

The Annual Meeting of the Membership for your Association will be held on October 30, 2018, in the Fitness Center for the purpose of electing a Board of Directors. You will receive an official meeting notice with the voting ballot.

At this time, we are requesting candidates for the Board of Directors. The Board consists of five (5) members. This year, there are two (2) positions up for re-election, each for a two (2) year term. The elected Board members will then meet and appoint officers; therefore, candidates will run for a position on the Board only, and not a particular office. In order to run for the Board of Directors, the candidate must be an owner and be a member in good standing.

The Board of Directors meets in the evening every 3rd Monday of each month to conduct the business of the Association. The meetings can last 2-3 hours. There may be other business to be handled between meetings, which may require an informal discussion meeting, phone polling of the Board, or a Special Meeting of the Board, which could mean additional time commitments.

If you are interested in running for the Board, please complete the enclosed form, or pick one up at the Front Desk and return it to the Broadway Hollywood Homeowners Association c/o The Management Office. Candidate statements must be submitted prior to 5:00 p.m., Monday, October 1, 2017, in order to be included in the ballot.

Thank you for taking an active, positive interest in your community!